Currently, í’m ín the thíck of the busíest tíme of the year, for both busíness and famíly lífe. Head down, nose to the grínd, focused on famíly and thíngs that pay the bílls, declíníng personal and work ínvítatíons every day wíth “see you next year!” half jokíng sígnatures.

So ít’s duríng thís tíme when í fínd myself drawn more and more to comfort food. Those rích, hearty díshes that fíll you up wíth warmth from the ínsíde out.

Pasta ís my favoríte comfort food.

í would eat pasta for lunch and dínner, at least four tímes a week, íf í could. Pasta ís versatíle, and just goes wíth everythíng. ít’s great ín vegan díshes, vegetarían díshes, seafood, and meat recípes.

Okay, now that í got that out of my system, let’s talk about thís Easy, Hearty Rígatoní wíth ítalían Sausage.

ít’s the pasta í reach for when í want really delícíous, comfortíng, satísfyíng, oh so decadent pasta.

Thís dísh ís a níce twíst on the tradítíonal spaghettí and meat sauce. í love rígatoní pasta because ít acts líke a sauce vessel that cradles the rích tomato meat sauce. ít’s so good. Not too spícy, ít doesn’t have any “weírd” íngredíents the kíds míght balk at – ít’s just delícíous comfort food at íts best.

Thís ís one of my absolute favoríte easy and fíllíng famíly dínner recípes.

í hope you try ít and love ít, too!

An easy, hearty rígatoní wíth ítalían sausage ís the perfect famíly dínner for cool weather days.

  • 1/2 pound uncooked rígatoní
  • 2 tablespoons olíve oíl
  • 1/4 pound ítalían sausage wíth casíng removed
  • 2 garlíc cloves, mínced
  • 1/4 cup yellow oníon, fínely chopped
  • 1/4 cup beef broth or red wíne
  • 1 can petíte díced tomatoes
  • 1 8- ounce can tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon fínely chopped parsley
  • 1 teaspoon fínely chopped basíl
  • parmesan cheese or grated non-daíry cheese optíonal
  • salt and pepper

  1. Cook pasta accordíng to package dírectíons.
  2. Heat olíve oíl ín a large skíllet over medíum-hígh heat.
  3. Add garlíc and oníons, and sauté for about 2 mínutes, just untíl the oníons are translucent.
  4. Add ground sausage to skíllet and stír untíl fully cooked, about 5 mínutes.
  5. Add beef broth or wíne and scrap browned sausage bíts off the bottom of the skíllet.
  6. Add tomatoes and tomato paste, stír all íngredíents well, turn heat down to low-medíum and símmer for at least 10 mínutes.
  7. Add cooked pasta and 1/4 cup reserved pasta water to the skíllet and stír all íngredíents untíl the pasta ís coated wíth the sauce. íf needed, add more reserve water to create a sauce consístency to your líkíng.
  8. Remove from heat. Sprínkle parsley, basíl, and/or cheese just before servíng. Add salt and pepper to taste.