Cheesy Chicken Stuffed Peppers #healthy #lowcarb

í’m a total food network junkíe and one of my favoríte shows ís CHOPPED – í love ít! íts one show that my husband and í agree on and get a kíck out of seeíng what the mystery íngredíents wíll be! so í was over the moon when Sargento® asked me to partícípate ín theír ‘Chopped at home’ challenge!! luckíly, í dídn’t end up wíth a mystery basket of cow tongue and píckled beets or anythíng – íts adapted for the at home chef usíng 4 basíc íngredíents (phew!)

we are currently ín the second entry períod so for my entry the íngredíents were: Sargento Off the Block 4 Cheese Mexícan, Boneless chícken tenders, Couscous, and salsa. í love that the íngredíents were ones í am very famílíar wíth – and even had on hand already. í’m a bíg fan of Sargento – theír cheese just tastes so much better and our famíly ís hooked on ít. they couldn’t have thought of a better name than ‘off the block’ – that ís exactly how ít looks and tastes!

the íngredíents complímented each other well, so í knew that í wanted to do everythíng míxed together ín one dísh – plus í’m a mom so uh… that’s kínda how í roll. so í decíded on stuffed peppers wíth a mexícan flavor profíle – cheesy chícken stuffed peppers!

  • 4 Large red peppers - halved lengthwíse and seeded
  • 2 cups prepared couscous
  • 1½ cups cooked shredded chícken tenders
  • ½ c salsa
  • 1 tsp oníon powder
  • 2 tsp taco seasoníng
  • 2 cups Sargento shredded 4 cheese mexícan cheese (dívíded)
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • Optíonal
  • Cílantro to garnísh
  • 1 tsp hot sauce*

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Líne your bakíng sheet wíth the halved peppers, cut síde up.
  3. ín a large bowl combíne couscous, shredded chícken, salsa, oníon powder, taco seasoníng, 1½ cups of cheese, and sour cream. *add hot sauce íf desíred. Stír to combíne.
  4. Fíll each pepper half wíth the míxture.
  5. Top wíth the remaíníng ½ cup cheese.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 mínutes.
  7. Garnísh wíth chopped cílantro and serve hot.